Be More Effective

Bob Hayward



There’s More to Walking the Talk Than Walking the Talk

Some people believe that if they make their message easy to understand that alone will be enough to garner everyone’s support for whatever it is that they want to do. And the truth is that it won’t do anything of the

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Sales Innovation Expo2017 Bob Hayward

HOW TO PUNCH ABOVE YOUR WEIGHT If you would like to win more business from larger organisations then this is a must attend Seminar.

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Chinese Whispers: Can They Be Prevented?

Chinese Whispers, where each time a story is repeated, the details are altered a little bit. Bigger enterprises suffer from it more than smaller ones because there are more layers. Can such whispers be prevented?

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What’s in Store for 2017?

No one knows for sure what the next twelve months will bring. In this game of Jenga it is worth reflecting on some business fundamentals.

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The 1st Hundred Days for a New CEO

The first 100 days is a critical part of any CEO’s new job. The saying that “you only have one chance to make a first impression” couldn’t be more true. What would you do first as a new boss?

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Business Agility: A Bandwagon for Everyone

It’s been said that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year, but underestimate what they can accomplish in a decade. Would being more agile help? Or it is just a passing fad?

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How Activity-based Work Increases Employee Productivity and Reduces Organisation

Working from home, or at least not at the office, is it all it is cracked up to be?

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What We’re Learning about the Workplace

Ever wonder if you are working in a parallel universe where the boundaries or divisions are at times invisible and impermeable?

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The Top Internal Communication Trend

The world of work changed fundamentally in the mid-1980s. We’ve come a long way since then. After more than 35 years many workplace issues are still not settled.

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What Does It Mean to be Authentic?

If there’s only one thing that we’ve learned as a result of the Brexit vote, it’s that people are fed up with the lack of transparency among their leaders. But as business leaders can we not still fake it until we

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