Be More Effective

Bob Hayward


Blog/News (page 5)

There is No Substitute for Trust

The organizational change model is well known. It follows an equally well-known model: the one for making decisions.

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Let's Talk About It

In a family business, conflict in the home can extend into the business and vice versa. This can create a lethal combination that, if left for long enough, may threaten its very survival.

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How often have you sat patiently while listening to someone give you a long and detailed explanation of something only to discover that you were more confused at the end than you were at the beginning?

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Only Wimps Hide Their Emotions

There’s still a common misconception among leaders and managers that it’s a sign of weakness to show any sort of emotion; is that kind of behaviour is inconsistent with the rough-and-tumble of big business?

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How is Your Spiritual Intelligence?

People are complex; dependable, conscientious, and loyal or unreliable, lazy, and unfaithful. Some describe all these traits as intelligences, one suggests we each, regardless of our faith, display spiritual intelligenc

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Does Your Company Have a Soul?

When we think about companies that have a soul, we tend to think of all the good that they do and yet soul refers to more than what it does…

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Change: Make it simple

Like many things that happen in a cosy academic change management library, in theory all the models work – in theory

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Employee Engagement: History repeating itself

Herzberg taught us nearly 60 years ago that people were the most important component in any organization. Thirty years later came KPIs and High Performance Indicators, more recently Employee Engagement…

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How to be the sun rather than the wind

Energy. It’s something we all of us take for granted. Although we may have less of it than we perhaps would like when we get up in the morning, the fact that we do get up is evidence that it is there.

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The risk of flying solo

In recent years, the need for people, teams and companies that could collaborate in order to deliver a range of expertise as a one-stop-shop package for clients has arisen.

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