Chinese Whispers, where each time a story is repeated, the details are altered a little bit. Bigger enterprises suffer from it more than smaller ones because there are more layers. Can such whispers be prevented?
The world of work changed fundamentally in the mid-1980s. We’ve come a long way since then. After more than 35 years many workplace issues are still not settled.
So how do you prepare for a difficult conversation? By dealing with it before it becomes difficult. Find out more.
In a family business, conflict in the home can extend into the business and vice versa. This can create a lethal combination that, if left for long enough, may threaten its very survival.
Said is done isn't it? This is a dangerous falsehood perceived as a truth for many. Said is NOT done and the key messages of any organisation must be repeated often and for a sustained period of time to secure employee e
Ten tips for an effective implementation that gets everyone aboard, lets the organisation develop in harmony, creating less friction, more respect, better understanding, better communication and stronger commitment.
There's some interesting behaviour going on among the sparrow population of San Francisco. - They have changed their tune...
Here's an interesting piece of research we came across recently: a philosopher has claimed that women are more moral than men.
Ensuring that key message is spread across an organisation without distortion and any loss of the vitality and energy key to the success of the initiative. What can help create conformity?
Understanding how other see things is an important ingredient in any form of communication, this article outlines some of the challenges many miss when attempting to communicate across different departments and teams.
internal (remove)
bob hayward (8)
opc (4)
bottom up (4)
talent retention (1)
building trust (1)
involvement (1)
critical mass (1)
silo (1)
strategy (1)
communication (1)
differences (1)
cultrual (1)
teamwork (1)
team brief (1)
Leadership (1)
Management (1)
Chinese Whispers (1)
Internal Communication; Flexible Working; Remote Working; Virtual Teams (1)
public speaking (1)
departmental (1)
repetition (1)
walk the talk (1)